Women play a variety of significant roles in our society, from their birth till the end of life. However, after all women have done in the past and continue to do so today, we are still seen as weak because men are still considered the ‘stronger’ gender of the society. A women will always be considered beneath her husband, her male classmates and her male co-worker in general society Aug 02, · The principal goal of this paper is to discover the objective state of the problem and to conclude if the women gain by acquiring the same statute as the men in the human society. The role of the women in the fight for the equal opportunity underlines the positive effects of feminism on the social reconstruction of the sex and the kind which was caused by a certain number of events and of significant historical developments, such as Fourth Reform Act of , Women Oct 17, · Women in Society Essay The role of women in society has always been an issue throughout the ages and throughout Western Europe, and more or less all over the world. Before the age of the Enlightenment, or the Dark Ages, women were always seen as secondary to men in all aspects
The Roles of Women in the Society: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
In the contemporary world, societies are male dominated and therefore women are always at the periphery when major decisions affecting such societies are being passed. Although the population of the women in the world is regarded as being higher than that of men, women in society essay, women have failed to place themselves in strategic positions that would help them air their grievances and opinions whenever such an opportunity presents itself.
This is mainly attributed to the fact women in society essay men who have held these leadership positions since time immemorial have deliberately put mechanisms that have limited women progress in the society. The modern day education has helped more and more women in getting into senior positions of leadership. Women have over the years been considered of less importance compared to men with their sole duty being to give birth and take care of the babies.
Although this trend is fast changing there are still some societies especially from the Third World countries where women are still being oppressed and down graded by their husbands and society at large. In the film Mulan women are seen trying to emancipate themselves from the yokes of the society Michael 3.
It demonstrates how Pocahontas- a female character in the movie went against the norms of the society by becoming an intimate friend of John Smith who was an Englishman, women in society essay. According to Pocahontas society, women were supposed to remain in their society and therefore could not in any way befriend or get married to a person regarded by her society as a foreigner.
From the above scenarios it is quite evident that women in our societies are realizing that they are part of the society and hence need to be granted equal opportunities and just as their counterparts the men. Therefore we can say that her action to rebel against her society is a clear demonstration of how women are willing and ready to fight for their women in society essay. In addition, the film shows that women have over the years learnt to unite and fight for their rightful position in the society.
According to it, women at the beginning of this particular movie are illustrated as unsupportive to one another, women in society essay. However, as the movie goes on it begins to dawn to these women on the importance of uniting in order to support each other in their society. It shows that Pocahontas lived in a family that was very supportive to her as well as women in society essay female companions.
In addition to that the movie tells us that Pocahontas sought guidance from various people. From the above remarks the movie Mulan shows women that unless they unite in all aspects of the society male dominance will continue to be there as long as they fail to speak with one voice in matters pertaining to their welfare. Furthermore the movie depicts that women have come of age and therefore they should be given the leeway to choose who their spouses should be.
The fact that Pocahontas refused to accompany John Smith to Britain clearly shows that women should be given the freedom to choose other than forcing things on them some of which may be oppressing to them Butler As a result, today many women are forming organizations meant to address the plight of the young ones.
Consequently, many women have emerged as scholars and with the assistance of relevant organizations they have managed to address the plight of other women in the society. The issue of being appreciated by the society is also manifested in this movie. Women have for a long term being admired by men and the society at large because of their beauty and not for they are.
Therefore, this movie is a clear demonstration of the struggle women are going through as they women in society essay recognition and appreciation in the society. In the movie women in a number of societies are seen as tools.
That is the reason why the women characters in this film are going against the norms of the society so that men who are the leaders can recognize the part they play in making the society move forward. In the contemporary world women have won this battle and are now holding some of the senior most position of leadership in their respective organizations.
They should understand that women are the forces behind a strong family and society at large. In order to protect women from such domination from male companions, the legislative arm of the government should pass laws that puts men and women at par so that respect between them is realized. Stiffer penalties should be sanctioned against women in society essay who engage in acts perceived to undermine women.
This will go along way in ensuring that women in society achieve their earlier denied opportunities, women in society essay. Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York: Routledge, Michael, Andrew. Women in the Contemporary Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Select a referencing style:. Introduction In the contemporary world, women in society essay, societies are male dominated and therefore women are always at the periphery when major decisions affecting such societies are being passed.
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Women's Place in Society Essay in English With Quotations
, time: 17:53Women in the Contemporary Society - Words | Essay Example
Oct 17, · Women in Society Essay The role of women in society has always been an issue throughout the ages and throughout Western Europe, and more or less all over the world. Before the age of the Enlightenment, or the Dark Ages, women were always seen as secondary to men in all aspects Women play a variety of significant roles in our society, from their birth till the end of life. However, after all women have done in the past and continue to do so today, we are still seen as weak because men are still considered the ‘stronger’ gender of the society. A women will always be considered beneath her husband, her male classmates and her male co-worker in general society Aug 02, · The principal goal of this paper is to discover the objective state of the problem and to conclude if the women gain by acquiring the same statute as the men in the human society. The role of the women in the fight for the equal opportunity underlines the positive effects of feminism on the social reconstruction of the sex and the kind which was caused by a certain number of events and of significant historical developments, such as Fourth Reform Act of , Women
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