Essay on Health and Fitness – How to be Healthy and Fit (Essay 2 – Words) Health and fitness is the real wealth a person should acquire to lead a peaceful and harmonious life. A person without both, may face many difficulties and find their real money spend on their health issues rapidly July 19, by admin Essay Samples, Free Essay Samples The Importance of Good Health Good health is crucial to everything we do in our everyday lives. The importance of good health can be clearly seen in how we function as human beings in the daily tasks that define our functionality in the society Alzheimer’s Disease and Relate Dementia Reform Health Care. Executive Summary The “model minority” stereotype and lack of disaggregated data, emulate inaccurate representation of the Asian Americans and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, causing older adults, in particular, with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, to experience language and cultural discriminatory barriers
Healthcare Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines
Health disparities involve inequalities that exist in health care provision based on race, health essay sample, gender, ethnic group, resident, and socioeconomic groups.
The inequalities in health can determine how frequent certain diseases health essay sample affect certain groups of people. In the US, health disparities have become a problem among ethnic groups, which include African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanic. Lack of multicultural approach on health issues has led to the widening of health disparities among various ethnic groups in the US. However, community-based treatment and culturally based strategies can assist in dealing with health disparities among ethnic groupings.
This study will focus on health disparities, especially among African Americans, as well as cultural beliefs, and strategies to minimize health disparities among African Americans.
The US has become a multicultural society due to the presence of immigrants from different countries, who enter the country in search of better living standards. Health disparities focus on racial or ethnic discrepancies in health care provision due to factors not related to access.
Factors, such as infant mortality rates, poverty, levels of income, educational levels, and language barriers, have influenced health care provision, leading to disparities. Although life health essay sample has risen among African Americans in the 20 th century, they have continued to carry more burdens of death, illnesses, and disabilities than any other ethnic group in the US. The rate of diabetic attack among African Americans stands higher than any other ethnic group due to poverty levels, as most of them cannot afford to seek treatment.
The health status of many African Americans has continued to become worse due to lack of trust in health care system. Most African Americans still believe that health essay sample cannot receive same treatment as the white people, health essay sample.
Poverty has made it difficult to control the spread of diabetes among this group. Pharmacological treatment involves appropriate prescription of drugs to diabetic patients. It is essential to look for appropriate treatment to reduce or eliminate the disease, as this is one way of fighting health disparities. Several pharmacological treatments exist in the management of diabetes, but the most common for type 1 diabetes is insulin.
Insulin resistance is common among African Americans, making pharmacological intervention difficult to implement Marshall, health essay sample, According to Marshallmetformin is recommendable to type 2 diabetes. However, treatment regimens for type 2 diabetes should be individualized, as therapeutic needs rise with the duration of the disease.
One limitation of pharmacological treatment is that some patients may develop psychological and cognitive problems, making it hard to respond to treatment. Dietary management is vital for people suffering from type 2 Diabetes, but most African American families cannot afford appropriate diet due to poverty. Some have become obese due to consumption of cheap fast foods while others do not follow prescriptions for health care providers.
Health disparities can be influenced by cultural values, socio-economic position, as well as traditional beliefs and practices. In rural settlements, particularly where the level of income is extremely low, health essay sample, health care providers encounter challenges of traditional cultures, health essay sample, such as healing from herbs, leaves, and roots.
Socio-economic status is usually associated with racism. Racial differences have contributed to health inequality, as health essay sample African Americans do not receive the same medical attention as the Whites. African Americans suffering from diabetes are less likely to intensify their treatment to enhance glycaemic control Marshall, health essay sample, Low-income groups among African Americans usually complain that they are not satisfied with the current health care status.
Low levels of education make most of them seek medical attention when the disease is already at an advanced stage.
Health care providers have to work hard to overcome the challenge of improving the health health essay sample among African Americans. Health disparities can only be eliminated through training health essay sample care professionals on various cultural needs. A culturally sensitive strategy can assist in improving pharmacological treatment, in addition to improving health care outcomes. A culturally sensitive strategy can be enhanced by cultural competency.
Nurses must acknowledge and respect diverse cultures, which is essential in ensuring that patients receive treatment within their cultural environment. A community-based intervention strategy is crucial for treating diabetes as it promotes behavioral change among African Americans, in addition to offering supportive environment. Racial and ethnic inequalities are distressing facets in health care among most American people.
Research has demonstrated that African Americans encounter poor quality of health care compared to other ethnic groups in the Health essay sample. In particular, health essay sample, they have a high health essay sample of suffering from type 2 diabetes due to poor glycaemic control, as well as inequalities in health care system.
Lack of trust from medical professionals discourages African Americans from seeking treatment, which includes injection of insulin and metformin. Poverty, low education levels, and cultural values, also influence health disparities. Understanding individual needs is fundamental in handling health essay sample from diverse culture.
Health care professionals should be trained on how to handle patients from different cultural backgrounds to encourage them to seek medical attention. Eshleman, J. Strategies for Developing Cultural Competency in an RN-BSN Program. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 17 2 Marshall, M.
Diabetes in African Americans. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 81 Doi: Moussa, M. Use of E-Health to Improve Health Literacy and Decrease Health Disparities Among Diabetic African Americans.
Tuohy, D. Educational needs of nurses when nursing people of a different culture in Ireland. International Nursing Review 55, — Are you looking for homework writing help?
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Kindly subscribe below! Email Address: support globalcompose. Open Always. Email: support globalcompose. com Call Now! Home Pricing Our Writers Contact Samples Blog. Sample Essay on Health Disparities. A Database of over Million Scholarly Resources. Start your Search Now. Health Disparities Health disparities involve inequalities that exist in health care provision based on race, gender, ethnic group, resident, and socioeconomic groups.
Health Disparities among African Americans The US has become a multicultural society due to the presence of immigrants from different countries, who enter the country in search of better living standards. Pharmacological Treatment Plans for African Americans Pharmacological treatment involves appropriate prescription of drugs to diabetic patients. Other Factors that influence Health Disparities Health disparities can be influenced by cultural values, socio-economic position, as well as traditional beliefs and practices.
Strategy to Improve Pharmacological Treatment Plans Health care providers have to work hard to overcome the challenge of improving the health outcomes among African Americans.
Conclusion Racial and ethnic inequalities are distressing facets in health care among most American people, health essay sample. References Eshleman, J. Sharing is: CARING. Homework Writing Help. Order Now Contact Us. We Can Help you with this Assignment right now! Writing Features. Experienced Writers. Affordable Prices. Unlimited and Free Revision, health essay sample. Privacy Confidentiality.
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