Oct 19, · Speech is Silver, But Silence is Golden. ‘When you have the speech of excellence, The better and better you teach. When you have the power of silence, The higher and higher you reach!’. It is a fact that when we speak, others become silent and when others speak, we become silent. But it’s always upon us that what we choose- ‘speech’ or ‘silence’. When we speak, we are just confirming or showing others what we know, but when we are silent, 12 December Keelhauls Speech is Silver, But Silence is Golden. When you have the speech of excellence, The better and better you teach. When you have the power of silence, The higher and higher you reach” It is a fact that when we speak, others become silent and when others speak, we become blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Essay on Silence is Golden. Words6 Pages. Citizens are told to always cooperate with police officers, and people most often do, partly due to the belief that officers have a duty to serve and protect. Unfortunately, often there is a darker side of this coin. What if by extraordinary coincidence, yourself or someone close to you, became the possible suspect in the investigation of a crime?
Essay on Silence is Golden - Words | Bartleby
Keelhauls Speech is Silver, But Silence is Golden, essay on silence is golden. When you have the speech of excellence, The better and better you teach. When we speak, we are just essay on silence is golden or showing others what we know, but when e are silent, we are increasing our own knowledge, because we are getting to know that what others know. When two best friends meet after a very long time, they have many things to say; many complaints to do; many secrets to share; many questions to be answered; and much more!
It Is not always necessary that we need to speak In order to express our selves. Sometimes, silence plays a greater role! We can also not deny the fact that words have healing powers. Huge wars have been stopped due to the speeches of great people. Firstly, he thought that this silence was his weakness. His silence became his power! In many of the non- violent protests led by him, he fought, but not by shouting aloud; but by being silent.
He has said that a person who Is silent has less chances of speaking anything that Is unnecessary or may hurt others. This justifies that silence has greater significance than speech. Silence helps us to know our inner self. It helps us to understand our soul and its nature.
It is one of the most magnificent way to lean a better life. Silence, in itself is a language which helps us to express ourselves. This is the reason why our mother understands everything we need, though we say nothing at all.
This is the reason why we feel that when we remember our God, all our questions are answered by Him, though He says nothing at all! When too happy, It calms us, And when too sad, It supports us, It always gives us the courage to go on.
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Silence Is Golden - Alan Watts
, time: 8:51Speech Is Silver but Silence Is Golden Free Essay Sample
Aug 01, · Silence is Golden “Speech is silver, but silence is golden!” said William Shakespeare. How right he was! There is no doubt that the gift of speech bestowed on human beings is a unique one, and the ability to talk well a useful talent, but just as gold is more valuable than silver, so too, the ability to keep blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins 12 December Keelhauls Speech is Silver, But Silence is Golden. When you have the speech of excellence, The better and better you teach. When you have the power of silence, The higher and higher you reach” It is a fact that when we speak, others become silent and when others speak, we become blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Essay on Silence is Golden. Words6 Pages. Citizens are told to always cooperate with police officers, and people most often do, partly due to the belief that officers have a duty to serve and protect. Unfortunately, often there is a darker side of this coin. What if by extraordinary coincidence, yourself or someone close to you, became the possible suspect in the investigation of a crime?
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