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Essay on illiteracy

Essay on illiteracy

essay on illiteracy

Nov 21,  · Illiteracy: Essay on Causes and Effects of Illiteracy. Category: Essays and Paragraphs On November 21, By Mary. Illiteracy can be defined as the state where one is not able to read or write due to either lack of any education or lack of sufficient education. In the modern world, a significant percentage of the population still remains Essay on Illiteracy in English for Students and Children - India is one of the backward countries in many respects but particularly in literacy. Hardly 70% of the people in India are literate. Illiteracy is very common among the rural population, especially the women folk This sad state of affairs prevails in spite of the fact that ever since independence several efforts have been made to Illiteracy Essay. Words 4 Pages. Show More. I highly consider that illiteracy is a prominent problem in the world today. It is unquestionably a noticed problem, but governments are doing very little to get involved. Illiteracy has grown rapidly in the world; its effects have grown severely enough to hurt enough of the literate population

Essay On Illiteracy In English For Students And Children • English Summary

Essay on illiteracy is one of the backward countries in many respects but particularly in literacy. Illiteracy is very common among the rural population, essay on illiteracy, especially the women folk This sad state of affairs prevails in spite of the fact that ever since independence several efforts have been made to reduce the extent of illiteracy in the country. None can deny that ignorance and poverty go together.

Wide-spread illiteracy has been the main obstacle in the path of our social and economic development. The Kothari Education Commission recommended a programme of compulsory national service to promote adult education.

The students of colleges and universities can easily lend their helping hand in liquidating illiteracy in the urban as well as rural areas.

The Janta Government declared a fresh policy in Adult-Education in the country. In a determined bid to banish illiteracy, the Government launched a essay on illiteracy programme of Adult Education on a level never attempted before anywhere in the world on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in The programme was inaugurated by the Vice President, essay on illiteracy.

Mr Jatt. The National Adult Education Programme NAEP is different fro all other previous programmes started to liquidate illiteracy amor adults. The present Programme has all these advantages. in addition to this, it aims at inculcating in the minds of adults a social and moral sense, essay on illiteracy. The National Adult-Education Programme is calculated to give priority to rural women, backward classes lays emphasis on age group.

No doubt, the task of liquidating illiteracy is very heavy, essay on illiteracy. But the year-wise phasing of the targets has been fixed for five years. It is estimated that 50 million adults will be made literate during this period. But it is regrettable to note that the achievement has fallen short of the fixed target.

Learning material has been prepared in all regional languages. The audio-visual aids like film shows, television, magic lantern, etc. are also being pressed into service in essay on illiteracy to attract the illiterate masses. Arrangements have also been made for the training of social and literacy drive workers. There is also provision for follow-up action. The Govt, essay on illiteracy. of India has earmarked crores of rupees for this purpose.

While it is the State Governments which have been made primarily responsible for the implementation of the programme, the Central Government has invited teachers, students, essay on illiteracy, voluntary agencies and all others who are interested in the welfare of the country to take part in it.

The success of the Programme depends, however, not only on the dedication of the people handling it but also on the enthusiasm of the learners. The crux of the problem lies in motivating the vast illiterate masses. For this purpose personal contacts with the uneducated people agricultural labourers, industrial workers, rural folk, especially women shall have to be developed. If the public and the workers co-operate honestly and enthusiastically the curse of illiteracy can be removed from the face of Mother India.

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Essay on Illiteracy for Students and Children in Words

essay on illiteracy

Free Illiteracy Essays and Papers. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. Satisfactory Essays. The Problem of Illiteracy. Words; 2 Pages; The Problem of Illiteracy. What exactly is illiteracy? Illiteracy is defined in the Webster’s dictionary as: 1) not educated; especially, not knowing how to read or write. 2) showing a lack of education Essay on Illiteracy in English for Students and Children - India is one of the backward countries in many respects but particularly in literacy. Hardly 70% of the people in India are literate. Illiteracy is very common among the rural population, especially the women folk This sad state of affairs prevails in spite of the fact that ever since independence several efforts have been made to This sample essay on Earl Of Orkney V Vinfra reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay’s introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below. A basic definition, of a contract is an agreement enforceable at Law

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